Author: Dr Ashraf Dababneh

Teeth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, is a prevalent dental condition affecting millions worldwide. The discomfort caused by sensitive teeth can significantly impact one’s quality of life, making it essential to understand the underlying causes, effective treatments, and preventive measures. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the various facets of teeth sensitivity, from its origins to practical strategies for managing and preventing it. Let’s explore this common dental concern together! Causes of Teeth Sensitivity: 1. Exposed Dentin: The primary cause of teeth sensitivity is exposed dentin, the layer beneath the enamel containing microscopic tubules that connect to nerve…

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Jaw pain, a prevalent health concern affecting individuals of all ages, can significantly impact daily life with its painful and bothersome effects. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricate world of jaw pain, exploring its various causes, symptoms, and the most effective treatment methods available, with a special focus on orthodontic interventions. Introduction to Jaw Pain Jaw pain, medically known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD) or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD), encompasses a range of conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), facial muscles, and surrounding structures. From discomfort during chewing to chronic headaches, jaw pain can manifest in diverse ways,…

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Orthodontic treatment plays a crucial role in enhancing both the aesthetics and functionality of teeth, offering individuals the opportunity to achieve a straighter, more aligned smile. With advancements in dental technology, patients now have the option to choose between clear braces and traditional metal braces. However, the question remains: Which is better? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key differences between clear braces and metal braces to help you make an informed decision. Understanding Clear Braces and Metal Braces Clear Braces: Clear braces, also known as clear aligners, are discreet orthodontic appliances made of transparent plastic material. They are…

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Maxillofacial surgery, an intricate blend of medical and dental expertise, is dedicated to addressing a myriad of conditions affecting the face, jaws, and neck. This specialized field not only encompasses various surgical procedures but also offers transformative solutions for conditions such as underbites and overbites. In this comprehensive article, we delved into the types of maxillofacial surgery, explored the reasons individuals may require such procedures, and provided insights into this multifaceted field. Understanding Maxillofacial Surgery Maxillofacial surgery encompasses a broad spectrum of surgical interventions aimed at diagnosing and treating disorders and conditions affecting the head, neck, face, and jaw—the maxillofacial…

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Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on treating malocclusion, which is a misalignment of the jaw and teeth. While braces are traditionally associated with the teenage years, an increasing number of adults are opting for orthodontic treatment as they age. Types of Orthodontic Treatments The success rate of orthodontic treatment depends on factors like your age at the start of treatment and the goals of the treatment. Braces are typically highly effective for those who wear them, but the success depends on the individual’s ability to follow the orthodontist’s recommendations. Your orthodontist’s recommendation for your treatment will be…

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Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of molars to develop in the human mouth. They typically appear between the ages of 17 and 25, although there can be some variation. The name “wisdom teeth” is thought to come from the fact that they emerge at a time when people are typically considered to be more mature or “wise.” Anatomy of Wisdom Teeth Wisdom teeth are located at the farthest end of the dental arches, right at the back of the mouth. You’ll find two on the top and two on the bottom. Like other molars,…

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Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth, offering a long-term, reliable, and natural-looking option for individuals who have lost one or more teeth. However, many people still have concerns about the cost, longevity, and the idea of undergoing the procedure. This article aims to address these concerns and offer guidance on how to overcome dental implant fear. What are Dental Implants Dental implants are anchors placed into the jawbone to support a tooth replacement. They offer a wide range of treatment options, including single missing tooth replacement. A dental implant for the replacement of one…

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