Author: Dr. Bassem Hmiedan

It is common for medical treatments to have side effects on our bodies. Not only can they have a negative effect on our general health, but also on our oral health. Dr. Hmeidan lists the categories of medications that are likely to cause dental problems. It is important they be acknowledged as they could include common medications. Medications that can damage teeth and gums According to Dr. Hmeidan, there is a general list of medications that are known to possibly cause damage to teeth and gums. The list includes the following:  Antidepressants – this large family of medicines can cause…

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Have you ever experienced the feeling of looking into the mirror and noticing the color of your teeth has changed? Tooth discoloration, which most of us put up with, is something common. It is when your teeth don’t look as bright and shiny as they should be, and their color has changed. According to Dr. Hmeidan, there are 2 main causes for teeth stains or discoloration: lifestyle habits, and dental health.  Teeth stains caused by lifestyle habits The most common reasons for teeth stains are poor habits we have as part of our lifestyle. The 2 main habits can be…

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