Author: Dr. Seema Shams Eddin

Exploring the intricate relationship between temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain and headaches reveals a complex puzzle that many individuals grapple with. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to unravel the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and solutions for TMJ-related jaw pain and headaches, offering insights to empower those seeking relief. Causes: 1. TMJ Disorders: Dysfunction within the temporomandibular joint, stemming from factors such as injury, arthritis, or structural anomalies, can ignite jaw pain, which often extends to trigger headaches. 2. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): The habitual clenching or grinding of teeth, typically during sleep, imposes significant strain on the TMJ…

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Yellow teeth can significantly impact one’s confidence and self-esteem. However, with a deeper understanding of the causes behind yellowing and the availability of effective treatments, achieving a brighter, more radiant smile is within reach. This comprehensive guide delves into the primary factors contributing to yellow teeth, outlines various treatment options, and highlights the importance of incorporating Elgydium whitening toothpaste into your oral care routine. Understanding the Causes of Yellow Teeth Yellow teeth can result from a combination of factors, including: Poor Oral Hygiene: Inadequate brushing and flossing allow plaque to accumulate, leading to surface stains and discoloration of the enamel.Tobacco…

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Effective communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, and speech plays a crucial role in this process. For some children, speech development can be delayed, and various factors can contribute to this delay. One such factor that has garnered attention in recent years is tongue tie, or ankyloglossia. This condition occurs when the strip of skin beneath the tongue (the lingual frenulum) is shorter than usual, restricting the tongue’s movement. In this comprehensive article, we’ll explore the intricate relationship between tongue tie and speech delay, including early intervention options and treatment choices, to provide you with a deeper understanding…

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Tooth decay, or dental caries, is a common oral health concern that affects people of all ages. This article explores tooth decay, its potential impact on neighboring teeth, and various types of tooth decay. We will also discuss prevention strategies. The Science Behind Tooth Decay Tooth decay primarily occurs due to the interaction between oral bacteria and the sugars present in the foods and beverages we consume. These bacteria produce acids that slowly erode the enamel, which is the protective outer layer of our teeth. As the enamel breaks down over time, it can result in the formation of cavities.…

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A gummy smile is a condition in which too much gum tissue is exposed above the teeth when smiling. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including excessive gum tissue, irregular tooth eruption, hyperactive upper lip muscles, and dental or skeletal complexities. Exploring the Gummy Smile Phenomenon A gummy smile, medically acknowledged as excessive gingival display, transpires when a substantial segment of gum tissue makes an assertive appearance above the teeth during moments of mirth. Ideally, an aesthetically harmonious grin should showcase a restrained flourish of gum tissue, with the spotlight aptly centered on the teeth. Unveiling Gummy…

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The allure of a “Hollywood smile” is an enchanting vision, often entwined with the captivating teeth that grace celebrities and movie luminaries. This coveted expression is typified by a symphony of impeccably aligned, luminously white teeth, which meld together in harmonious proportions, casting an irresistible visual spell. Deconstructing the Hollywood Smile A “Hollywood smile” stands as an embodiment of dental perfection, a radiant emblem adorning the countenances of those who have taken center stage. A harmonious blend of factors underpins this aesthetic triumph, encompassing: Teeth Whitening: Employing the prowess of professional teeth whitening treatments, the shackles of stains and discoloration…

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Your tongue serves as more than just a tool for tasting and swallowing; it can also act as a revealing window into your overall well-being. If you’ve ever spotted cracks or fissures on the surface of your tongue, you might be encountering a condition known as a cracked tongue. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the potential causes behind a cracked tongue and provide insightful treatment options to address this condition. Unveiling the Origins of Cracked Tongue A cracked tongue, colloquially referred to as scrotal tongue or fissured tongue, transpires when the uppermost layer of the tongue undergoes…

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Are you having difficulty getting your kids to brush their teeth? Many parents struggle with this issue, as children should begin brushing their teeth as soon as the first tooth erupts and do it twice a day to prevent tooth decay. Here are a few ways to make dental hygiene more enjoyable for your kids: Get your kids a toothbrush in their favorite color or with their favorite character and let them choose it.Create a routine that your kids will enjoy, such as singing a song while brushing their teeth or playing games.Show them videos of kids brushing their teeth…

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Most mothers love using pacifiers for their babies since it is a great way to soothe and calm them. However, there is always the concern about issues pacifiers can cause to the child’s teeth. Dentists always recommend stopping using pacifiers after 6-12 months, so it won’t affect the jaw and teeth alignment. It also can cause tooth decay and problems with the child’s bite. So mothers can use pacifiers but for a limited time and it is better to limit their use and make it shorter gradually after their teeth erupt.

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